Remote Consultations - In an area with no Avian Veterinarians? We can consult with you by Phone, Skype or facetime. Please contact the office to arrange for a phone consultation appointment. If you have medical records from another veterinarian please provide them in advance.
Questions? We are happy to consult with you by phone - call for an appointment
Assist with USDA compliance (Program of Veterinary Care, Enrichment Programs) for USDA licensed facilities
Exports – Moving abroad with your Pet birds – We can help with your CITES documents, International Health Certificates, Export testing, etc.
Second Opinions- Another set of eyes on a difficult or chronic case can be helpful. Please bring any records you have, or submit in advance.
Zoos (large and small) – We can consult with small foreign zoos as well as private collections of birds and Exotic animals right here in Florida.