Blue-Fronted Amazon

Amazona aestiva

South America

Also known as the yellow winged Amazon (A a xanthopteryx), Chaco Amazon

Blue-fronted Amazons are one of the most popular and well known of all Amazons. They are relatively large, stocky bright green amazons with variable patches of blue, yellow and white on the head. Blue fronts are the most variable of the Amazons. Some birds within a flock are relatively palin while others are very colorful. In the most coveted subspecies the blue, white and yellow are extensive on the face and large patches of yellow are on the carpus (shoulder). Primary and secondary flight feathers are green with blue tips. Tail feathers green with yellowish green tips. Red patches on outer tail feathers.

A. a. aestiva - Brazil - less yellow on wings, blue cheeks
A. a. xanthopteryx - Paraguay, Bolivia and Argentina - Yellow on cheeks and more extensive yellow and red on the wings.

Occurs in interior lowland regions from north eastern Brazil to Bolivia, Paraguay and northern Argentina.

Inhabiting savannahs, caatinga, tropical humid forests, palm groves, evergreen floodplain forests, gallery woodlands and pine forests. Nest in tree cavities. They eat various tree seeds, new leaves, palm fruits, berries, pods, fruits, acorns and buds. Occasionally cause crop destruction, especially corn and citrus crops.

Length is 14 to 15 inches.
Weight is 300-450 grams.
Males are generally larger and more colorful than females and have larger heads and beaks. Eyes of juveniles are brown while eyes of adults are orange-yellow. Most juveniles have relatively little color compared to adults.

Blue-fronted amazons can probably live up to 50-60 years or more. Little is known about their life span in captivity. Breeding age is approximately 3-5 years.

Personality - Blue-fronted amazons are very popular. They are well known for their talking ability but typically don't speak as well as Yellow-napes or double yellow heads. They are intelligent, inquisitive birds but are sometimes shy. Mature birds, especially males may become bonded to one person and aggressively protect that person from other people including other family members. They are relatively common in captivity but captive bred birds are not frequently available. They are active by nature and have a tendency toward obesity if closely confined.

Activities - Blue-fronted Amazons should always be provided with toys, blocks of wood or branches that they can chew. In order to ensure safety companion amazons should not be allowed unsupervised freedom in the home as they often encounter toxins or dangerous items. Young amazons should be socialized to many people and exposed to a variety of situations such as new cages, toys, visits to the veterinarian, handling by friends, wing and nail clips, etc. to avoid fear of novel situations. They need to have some space for exercise.

Dietary needs - Amazons should be fed a formulated (pelleted or extruded diet) as a basis for good nutrition. Pretty Bird High Protein is an excellent staple diet for amazons. Pretty Bird Daily Select or weaning food can also be fed. The pink eye ring subspecies should be fed a restricted diet to prevent obesity. The diet should be supplemented with fresh fruits and vegetables daily to add variety and psychological enrichment. Feed approximately ¼ cup of Pretty Bird and 1/4 cup of fresh fruits and vegetables daily. Monitor food intake. Overfeeding leads to pickiness, selective feeding and wasteful throwing of food. Because of their tendency to obesity, Blue-fronted Amazons should be fed little to no sunflower or safflower seeds or seeds should only be given as treats. Vitamin supplements are not needed for birds that are eating a formulated diet. Birds, which are fed only seeds, will need vitamin and mineral supplementation to prevent deficiency diseases. Preferably vitamins should be added to soft food rather than putting in the water as this dilutes the vitamins, water soluble vitamins break down rapidly and water with sweetened and vitamins is a good growth medium for bacteria. Vitamin added to the outside of seeds is usually lost when the bird shells the seeds.

Grooming - Routine bathing or showering is vital to maintaining good plumage and skin condition. Birds can be misted and allowed to dry in a warm room or in the sun, or gently dried with a blow drier. Care should be taken not to clip the wing feathers excessively as amazons often fall and injure themselves. Clip only the primary flight feathers and only enough so the bird will glide to the floor. Blue-fronted Amazons are heavy bodied and care must be taken not to cut too many feathers. Excessive wing clipping can result in injuries from falling.

Identification - All companion and breeding birds should be individually identified to assist in recovery if lost and assist in maintenance of medical and genealogical records. Many breeders apply closed legs bands when chicks are young. While they present a slight risk of entrapment closed bands are preferable to no identification, especially for breeding birds. Microchips, which can be implanted into the muscle or under the skin, are a reliable means of identification but require electronic readers to verify identification. Tattoos may be used but often fade or become illegible with time. Footprints may have some application in identification.

Sexing Blue-fronted amazons are monomorphic (sexes are not visually distinct). Surgical sexing or DNA sexing must be used to confirm sex of breeders. Males tend to be larger and more colorful than females.

Housing - Blue-fronted amazons are very active and should be provided the largest cage that space and budget allows. Ideally the cage should provide room for flight. Durable cage construction is not as critical as it is for macaws and cockatoos. Locks or escape proof latches may be necessary on cages. Ideally the bird will have an outdoor cage as well to allow playtime in the fresh-air and sunlight.

Breeding - Blue-fronted Amazons are very difficult to breed in captivity. In North America Blue-fronted amazons breed predominantly in the spring and have a limited breeding season typically from February or March to June or July. Clutch size is typically 3 to 4 eggs. One inch by one inch by 14 gauge welded wire, or 1" X ½ " welded wire is a good choice for cage construction. A suggested size is 4 feet wide by 4 feet tall by 8 feet long suspended 4 feet above the ground or floor. A Grandfather style wooden boxes can be used. Size should be approximately 12" x 12" x 24". Incubation period is approximately 24-26 days. Chicks will usually fledge at approximately 10 to 12 weeks of age. Blue-fronted Amazons are relatively easy to hand-rear. Most hand rearing formulas can be used successfully. Pretty Bird 19/8 or 19/12 hand rearing formula is a good choice.

Aggression: Male Blue-fronts are occasionally aggressive toward their mates. Clipping the wings of the male prior to the breeding season may be necessary in aggressive individuals to help the female to escape in case the male becomes aggressive. Males in breeding condition can be very aggressive to keepers.

Blue-fronts can be noisy when in breeding condition. When breeding amazons, noise and proximity to neighbors must be considered.

Common diseases and disorders

  • Obesity
  • Feather-picking
  • Psittacosis
  • Poor eating habits
  • Bacterial and fungal infections
  • Mate aggression
  • Toxicity, ingestion of metals
  • Toe necrosis

Conservation Status -Common, stable- Blue-fronted Amazons are listed on Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). Wild populations are generally large and locally common but are vulnerable to habitat destruction and have declined in some areas due to capture for export and use for pets locally in other areas. In the past very large numbers were traded and used locally for pets. Blue-fronted amazons are relatively common in the United States but difficult to breed. They are often destroyed as crop pests in Argentina